





Themes:  1. Methodological and methodical bases of complex study of the influence of environmental factors on a health population.

 2. Influence of anthropogenic components of the biosphere to human health and population. Hygienic assessment of the potential risk of exposure to environmental factors on human body and health of population.

3. Scientific bases of medical biorytmology.



1.     To learn the general methodical principles about the collection, changing and analyzing of hydrometheorological information and other with the aim of estimating of climate and weather.

2.     To compose hygienically recommendations on the prophylactic of heliometheorological reactions.

3.     Methodological and technique principles of common hygiene (in the extent of the previous lecture courses and practical studies on given discipline).

4.     Elements of theory of probability, mathematical statistics, principles of information science and computer engineering (from the course of biological and medical physics).

5.     To get theoretical knowledge about biological rhythms and their leading descriptions, kinds, value for psycho hygiene and psycho prophylaxis.

6.     To master methods determinations physiology, psychophysiology and calculation correlate of biological rhythms of organism.

7.     Learn the biorhythmological principles of the rational organization of the people’s everyday activity



Hygiene takes a big place in system of medical education as the main prophylactic discipline. The knowledge of hygiene is important for doctor to increase the prophylactic work for protection and improvement vicinity’s health; to improve the sanitary condition of cities and villages, residences, work conditions, rest and treatment, the tutelage of children and teenagers, for rationalization of population’s nutrition on the scientific principles.  Those things can give a possibility to make the development of human organism more valuable, life- stronger, and to remove the death (by the words of E. Parks).

The weather plays very important role in the human health. Practically healthy people who have very good developed adaptation mechanism are, as a rule, “metheoresisting” during the different changes of the weather. But there are people especially old people and people with some diseases, which are sensitive to metheorological changes. The metheotropical reactions have different stages from the easy one till the dangerous for human life.

The climate is very important component of the environment and it influences on the human ability, health, structure and level of development of diseases.

The health of population largely relies on the difficult complex of the phenomena, that take place in an environment. The row of biological, chemical, physical, socio-economical, anthropogenical, climatical and other factors influences on their forming. At all economic the developed countries the picture of morbidity changed sharply. Noninfectious diseases from year to year grow more than infectious.



Theme № 1 Methodological and methodical bases of complex study of the influence of environmental factors on a health population ons”.  – 2 hours.

1.     To determinate of weather on the example of situation task.


The task № 1.

The exercise about hygienically estimate of the weather:

The weather in the town K is characterized by:

From November 20 till November 24 the weather was anticyclone. It wasn’t raining or snowing or Claude.

Atmosphere pressure – 760mm. of mercury column.

Temperature – 12oC. The changing of the temperature during the day and night – 3oC.

The changes of atmosphere pressure during the day and the night – 4 mm. of mercury column.

Relative humidity – 60%.

The level of oxygen in the air – 325 mg/L

The speed of movement of the air – 1,5 m/sec.

According to meteorological forecast the weather will be constant during next 3-4 days, afterward it will change because of appearance of cyclone and disappearance of front of weather.

The weather will have such signs:

Atmosphere pressure – 745mm. of mercury column.

Temperature – +6oC. The changing of the temperature during the day and night – 7oC.

The changes of atmosphere pressure during the day and the night – 7 mm. of mercury column.

Relative humidity – 100%.

The level of oxygen in the air – 260 mg/L

The speed of movement of the air – 10 m/sec.

1.     What is the type of the weather according to medical classification?

The answer.

The weather was favorable in the town K (according to medical classification by I.I. Grigorjev, 1974), it is going to be the weather of third type, which needs specially medical control.

2. To calculate index of weather changeability and they often use “index of weather changeability”:

, where

K - index of weather changeability

N – number of days with contrast changes of weather

n – number of days in studied period

If K is more than 30% the weather regimen is changeable.

They use for predicting weather impacts on human health and for prevention of weather-related (meteotropic) diseases some medical classifications of weather. The most known are Fedorov’s and Grigoriev’s classifications (Addition materials).


ІІ. Theme № 2.” Influence of anthropogenic components of the biosphere to human health and population. Hygienic assessment of the  potential risk of exposure to environmental factors on human body and health of population” - 2 hours.

Write down into the protocol book a decision concerning methodology, method and procedures, individual theoretical health, individual practical health, population health, common pathological concept of population health (the present, permanent, legal, current evaluated), populations, cohort, population health criteria according to WHO requirements. Draw schemes: “Work conditions, life and environment factors”; “Determination and evaluation of environment factors and population health correlation”.

Learn capabilities of mathematic modeling methods of correlation of numerical factors of population health level and state of environment


ІІІ. Theme № 3 “Scientific bases of medical biorytmology- 2 hours.

 Work 1. Determine the calculation biological rhythms of student.

 The biological rhythms consist in the self-maintaining independent processes of the organism states periodical shifts and the vibration of the individual’s physiological reactions intensity.

Various rhythmical vibrations of definite states of the living systems are registered with a frequency from once per millisecond to once per several years. The most significant for a human are ultradian (the period length is 0.5-20 hours), circadian (20-28 hours), infradian (28-60 hours) and circaceptidal (60-148 hours) biological rhythms.

The main characteristics of the biological rhythms are: level, period, amplitude, acrophase and a form of rhythm day curve (fig. 1).


Fig. 1 Graphic image of a typical biological rhythm and its main characteristics

(Amp – rhythm amplitude, Acr – rhythm acrophase, T – rhythm time)

Determine your own calculation biological (physical, emotional, intellectual) rhythms. Based on the received results draw sinusoids of these rhythms and determine their critical days and so called double and threefold critical days or “black holes”.

Method of calculation

For example, the person was born 24 of January 1983. Her age in days on 24.01.2004 is:

I.                   Calculation of spent days:

16 ordinary years × 365 days = 5 840 days

5 leap years × 365 days = 1 830 days

+ days of current January = 24 days

                                      Total = 7 694

II.                Calculation of spent cycles:

Number of physical cycles: 7 694 : 23 = 334.52 cycles

Number of emotional cycles: 7 694 : 28 = 274.78 cycles

Number of intellectual cycles: 7 694 : 33 = 233.15 cycles

III.             Calculation of days of current cycles:

Physical cycle:

1 cycle – 23 days

x =  = 11.96 days

0.52 cycle – x days


Emotional cycle:

1 cycle – 28 days

y =  = 21.28 days

0.76 cycle – y days


Intellectual cycle:

1 cycle – 33 days

z =  = 4.95 days

0.15 cycle – z days

IV.            Mark the days of current cycles on graph of calculation biorhythms.

V.               Conclusion:

Unfavourable days for:

-          emotional cycle: 5.01, 17.01, 30.01;

-          physical cycle: 12.01, 23.01;

-          intellectual cycle: 20.01.

Work 2. Determination of day work capacity type by O. Ostberg method modified by S. Stepanova

Write down to the protocol the name of this task.

Than draw a table by given example:


of  question

Letter of chosen variant of answer

Corresponding point





Read attentively the questions of personal questionnaire (appendix 3) and follow established sequence. During work with questionnaire, you choose the variant of answer, write it into the table (№ of question and variants of answers (a, b, c…)) and calculate corresponding points.

Calculate the sum of all points and substantiate a conclusion concerning the day work capacity type according to the abovementioned scale.

Note. Variant of answer is determined depending on the season of research: “in summer” (warm season) or “in winter” (cold season).


The work capacity type is determined by the total score:

more than 92 points – clearly defined morning type;

77 – 91points           – mildly defined morning type;

58 – 76 points          – the arrhythmic type;

42 – 57 points          – mildly defined evening type;

less than 42 points   – clearly defined evening type.




1. Theme № 1 “Methodological and methodical bases of complex study of the influence of environmental factors on a health population ons”. – 2 hours.


Control questions:

1.     The concept of the weather. Meteorological, heliophisical factors, which form weather.

2.     Atmosphere circulation, formation of different types of the weather, their kinds. The concept of front of the weather. The kinds of fronts.

3.     The influence of the weather on the human health. Heliometheotropical reactions of the people.

4.     Medical classification of the weather.

5.     The concept of the climate. The factors, which form climate.

6.     The classification and hygienically characteristic of climatic zones. Climatic zones of Ukraine.

7.     Acclimatization, its hygienically aspects in different regions.

8.     Medical prognosis of the weather, the principles of the prophylactic of heliometheotropic reactions.


ІІ. Theme № 2 “Methodological and methodical bases of complex study of the influence of environmental factors on a health population - 2 hours.


Control questions:

1.     Methodology and methodic study principles of environmental factors’ influence on population health.

2.      Population health as an integral environmental factor. Health indices that characterize it.

3.      Principal scheme of work conditions, way of life and environment factors sanitation control.

4.     Basic study and assessment scheme of environment factors and population health relation.

5.     Health concepts and criteria (pathologic-wide, individual theoretical, individual actual population health).

6.     Quantitative (conceptual) technique of population health level analysis and its usage in medical practice.

7.     Qualitative technique of population health level analysis and its usage in medical practice.

8.     Quantitative (conceptual) technique of environment state analysis and “normalized” forecasting of population health level changes based on the state of the ambient air, water and soil pollution, noise situation.

9.     Quantitative technique of environment state level analysis (by pollutants’ summation, expertise rating, advantages of the first approach against rating).

10. Characteristic of mathematical correlation modeling approach of some factors of population health level and state of environment:

-         correlation;

-         regression;

-         factorial;

-         discriminant;

-         a Bayesian probabilistic approach;

-         cluster analysis;


ІІІ  Theme № 3 “Scientific bases of medical biorytmology 2 hours.


Control questions:

1.     Biological rhythms and human health. The biological rhythms concept. Initial conditions and development reasons of medical biorhythmology as a science.

2.     Main characteristics of the biological rhythms (level, period, amplitude, acrophase, form of daily curve etc.).

3.     Classifications of the most widespread biological rhythms.

4.     Methods of determination of different types of biological rhythms day curves.

5.     Methods of determination of human day working ability type.

6.     Methods of determination of calculation biological rhythms.

7.     Conception of desynchronosis as a main type of chronopathology and its medical and hygienic category. Types of desynchronosis.

8.     Biorhythmological principles of the rational organization of the everyday activity.

9.     Chronohygiene as a basis of the desynchronosis prevention.



1.     The concept of the weather. Meteorological, heliophisical factors, which form weather.

2.     Atmosphere circulation, formation of different types of the weather, their kinds. The concept of front of the weather. The kinds of fronts.

3.     The influence of the weather on the human health. Heliometheotropical reactions of the people.

4.     Medical classification of the weather.

5.     The concept of the climate. The factors, which form climate.

6.     The classification and hygienically characteristic of climatic zones. Climatic zones of Ukraine.

7.     Acclimatization, its hygienically aspects in different regions.

8.     Medical prognosis of the weather, the principles of the prophylactic of heliometheotropic reactions

9.     Methodology and methodic study principles of environmental factors’ influence on population health.

10. Population health as an integral environmental factor. Health indices that characterize it.

11. Principal scheme of work conditions, way of life and environment factors sanitation control.

12. Basic study and assessment scheme of environment factors and population health relation.

13. Health concepts and criteria (pathologic-wide, individual theoretical, individual actual population health).

14. Quantitative (conceptual) technique of population health level analysis and its usage in medical practice.

15. Qualitative technique of population health level analysis and its usage in medical practice.

16. Quantitative (conceptual) technique of environment state analysis and “normalized” forecasting of population health level changes based on the state of the ambient air, water and soil pollution, noise situation.

17. Quantitative technique of environment state level analysis (by pollutants’ summation, expertise rating, advantages of the first approach against rating).

18. Characteristic of mathematical correlation modeling approach of some factors of population health level and state of environment.

19. Biological rhythms and human health. The biological rhythms concept. Initial conditions and development reasons of medical biorhythmology as a science.

20. Main characteristics of the biological rhythms (level, period, amplitude, acrophase, form of daily curve etc.).

21. Classifications of the most widespread biological rhythms.

22. Methods of determination of different types of biological rhythms day curves.

23. Methods of determination of human day working ability type.

24. Methods of determination of calculation biological rhythms.

25. Conception of desynchronosis as a main type of chronopathology and its medical and hygienic category. Types of desynchronosis.

26.                       Biorhythmological principles of the rational organization of the everyday activity.

27.                       Chronohygiene as a basis of the desynchronosis prevention.





1. The elements of weather not  include:

A.Temperature of air


C.Geography latitude



2. “Acute weather” is not risky for

A.               Heart attacks,

B.                Sstrokes

C.               Developing complications of the chronic diseases.

D.               Goiter;

E.                Asthma attacks.

3.The complex of physical features of the near land atmospheric layer during a relatively short period of time (hours, days, weeks) is

A.   Weather;

B.    Climate;

C.    Anticyclone;

D.   Cyclone.

E.    Front.

4.The weather is characterized by all but one of the following of meteorological elements:

A.          solar irradiation,

B.          Nature of the soil.

C.          humidity of air,

D.          air speed and direction,

E.           atmospheric pressure,

5.The weather is characterized by all but one of the following of meteorological elements:

A.   air speed and direction,

B.    atmospheric pressure,

C.   the altitude, or height, above sea-level.

D.   electrical condition of the atmosphere,

E.    cloudiness.

6.The climate is forming by all but one of the following elements

A.     The altitude or distance from equator.

B.     Distance from sea.

C.     The altitude, or height, above sea-level.

D.     Prevailing winds.

E.      Electrical condition of the atmosphere.



During two weeks above territory of the Kyiv area there was such weather situation: Constant weather, absence of noticeable cloudiness, rain. Atmospheric pressure was 763 mm Mc column, wind was 0 - 3,0 m/sec, pressure change was not more than 5 mm Mc, oxygen content was more than 315 mgm/l. How to describe such weather from the medical point of view after classification of Grygoriev?



1.     C;

2.     D;

3.     A;

4.     B;

5.     C;

6.     E.


Answer on situation task:   

Accouding to the classification of Grygoriev is very favorable weather in Kyiv.


Individual student work (1415-1500 hour)  are checked by solving situational tasks for each topic, answers in test evaluations and constructive questions (the instructor has tests & situational tasks).




are checked by solving situational tasks for each topic, answers in test evaluations and constructive questions.

(the instructor has tests & situational tasks)


A student must know:

1.     The medical classification of the weather.

2.     The classification of the climate.

3.     Methodology and methodic study principles of environmental factors’ influence on population health.

4.     Population health as an integral environmental factor. Health indices that characterize it.

5.     Principal scheme of work conditions, way of life and environment factors sanitation control.

6.      Basic study and assessment scheme of environment factors and population health relation.

7.     Health concepts and criteria (pathologic-wide, individual theoretical, individual actual population health)..

8.     Initial conditions and development reasons of medical biorhythmology as a science and its psychohygienic value.

9.     Main characteristics and classifications of the most widespread biological rhythms.

10. Development reasons and the main clinical manifestations of desynchronosis as a medical and hygienic category


The students should be able to:

1.     To build a graphic “The roze of winds” and to interpret it.

2.     To measure the temperature, relative humidity, speed of movement of air, pressure of air radiate temperature and to give hygienically estimate to this results.

3.     To examine environmental objects for the purpose of sanitation and hygienic assessment, to master sanitary-descriptive technique and other most popular analyses of organism responses to harmful environmental influences.

4.      To consider principal statistic indices, which characterize environment and population health denaturation.

5.      To use reference and normative materials.

6.     To reading report on different theme of General Hygiene and Ecology.

7.      To determine different types of biological rhythms day curves, the type of day work capacity and calculation biological rhythms.

8.     To use during the organization of educational (working) process and in one’s free time the biorhythmological principles of the rational organization of the everyday activity



1.     Practical classes materials

2.     Hygiene and human ecology. Manual for the students of higher medical institutions/ Under the general editorship of V.G. Bardov. – K., 2009.   668 p.

3.     Kozak D.V., Sopel O.N., Lototska O.V. General Hygiene and Ecology. – Ternopil: TSMU, 2008. – 248 p.

4.     William P. Cunningham, Barbara Woodworth Saigo. Environmental Science: A Global Concern / third edition. – Wm. C. Brown Publishers..

5.     Stanley H. Anderson, Ronald E. Beiswenger, P. Walton Purdom. Environmental Science / fourth edition. – Macmillan Publishing Company, a division of Macmillan, Inc., 1993.

6.     Health Hazards Of The Human Environment. – World Health Organization, Geneva, 1973.

7.     A hand book of Preventive and Social Medicine. – Yash Pal Bedi / Sixteenth Edition, 2003   p. 26-36, 92-97.

8.     Lecture on hygiene.


Methodical instruction has been worked out by: ass-prof. Sopel O.M.

Methodical instruction was discussed and adopted at the Department sitting

30 august 2011, Minute № 1

Methodical instruction was adopted and reviewed at the Department sitting

28 august 2013, Minute № 1



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